Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 12, 2015

Conquering Bạch Mã peak in Huế

Hải Vọng Đài has a large stone bell and honour healthy and success for your family. Standing the high station, you will be lose in the beauty of nature.
Visiting Bạch Mã in autumn, tourists seem to be lose in other world with mountains covered by haze and dew and poetic atmosphere like a picture.
Bạch Mã is a beautiful mountain in Bạch Mã national park, which is natural border between Thừa Thiên Huế province and Đà Nẵng province. From Đà Nẵng, after crossing 3 passes including Hải Vân, Phước Tượng and Gia Phú and Lăng Cô famous beach, you come to Bạch Mã. Meanwhile, the distance from Huế city to Bạch Mã is only 40km.
The road from 1A national road to Bạch Mã national park is covered by green and fresh forests.

The distance from the foot of mountain to Bạch Mã peak is 16km. The distance is not too far but the experience will bring interesting feeling and you will wallow into charming beauty of mountain and sky. Tourists will take 45 minutes to one hour to climb Bạch Mã peak.

The only vehicle to conquer Bạch Mã peak is bus. If you have private care, you only need to buy ticket with the price of 40,000VND/ person.

Bạch Mã is a primitive and pristine destination. To safely conquer Bạch Mã peak, you should take part in other group.
Conquering Bạch Mã peak in Huế
Bạch Mã peak is the highest peak in Bạch Mã range with 1,459m high. In Bạch Mã peak, o Hải Vọng Đài, you can contemplate the beauty of Lăng Cô bay with magnificent mountain and winding river.

Hải Vọng Đài has a large stone bell and honour healthy and success for your family. Standing the high station, you will be lose in the beauty of nature.
Discover Hoa Lu Ancient Capital Ninh Binh Vietnam
On Bạch Mã peak in March, you can see blossoming azalea flowers.

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