Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 10, 2015

Overview of Da Nhim lake in Dalat Lam Dong

It is 36 km far from Dalat city to the South – East. In 1961, some Japanese experts and Vietnamese workers built a dam which was 1,460m long and 30m high to hold back a stream of Da Nhim river, then they created a 9,7 km2 reservoir with capacity of 165 million m3.
>>>Top thing to do indalat Vietnam

If you wanna travel to Dalat but don’t know anythings about dalat travel guide, you can look at in this topic.

Overview of Da Nhim lake in Dalat Lam Dong
Da Nhim lake is located in Dran town of Don Duong district, Lam Dong province. It is 36 km far from Dalat city to the South – East. In 1961, some Japanese experts and Vietnamese workers built a dam which was 1,460m long and 30m high to hold back a stream of Da Nhim river, then they created a 9,7 km2 reservoir with capacity of 165 million m3.


Da Nhim river rises from the north of Gia Rich mountain in Lac Duong district and longs to Don Duong and Duc Trong district of Lam Dong province. It is near the border between Lamdong and Khanh Hoa, Ninh Thuan province.

About the history of Da Nhim river
The K ho ethnic people told that: In the old days, in Kon Do village (belonged to Dung k no commune, Lac Duong district), there was a couple whose names were Ha Biang and K Lang. One year, the place they lived went into drought, Ha Biang (the husband) decided to ask the Heaven for justice to be done. However, he died of hunger on the way to Heaven. K Lang (the wife) cried so loud when she saw her husband dead body that the Heaven could hear her voice. Then, it rained but K Lang still cried and cried and she died too. At that time, an elephant was moved to tears and it came to shelter the dead couple from the rain and it also died. The rain – water mixed with the tear of K Lang and elephant creating Da Nhim river(Da stands for water, Nhim stands for cry).

Until now, Da Nhim lake hasn’t been a place for tourist visiting but you can stand at Dran pass or the hill after Giac Hoa pagoda to enjoy Da Nhim lake and the valley of Da Nhim river. 

See more: Tips when you travel to danang

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